Words Connecting Cultures!Tabeer acts as a natural extension to your team, supporting your efforts with culturally intelligent content consultation and development, linguistic services, and growth digital marketing.
Tabeer is your Partner for leveraging words and connecting cultures across the globe, with a focus on enabling academic, research, marcomms and cultural entities to harness the power of the written word in their publications and collateral.

Empower Your Brand Expression
Our efforts are dedicated to harnessing the power of the word, and delivering culturally intelligent content and linguistic services, ensuring your collateral is rich, informative and eloquent.
Get Content!
Enhance Your Online Presence
Our efforts are dedicated to harnessing the power of the word, and delivering culturally intelligent content and linguistic services, ensuring your collateral is rich, informative and eloquent.
Get Digital!
Amplify Your Cultural Impact
We are committed to supporting your aspirations in creating a significant cultural impact. With our track record, passion, and expertise, we deliver exceptional solutions and services to help you create the impact you seek in the cultural sphere.
Get Culture!Our Services
Our Happy Customers

Tarek Kassar
Director of Marketing
Pesticides Manufacturing and Consultancy
One of the best translation firms in the whole region. I was extremely happy with the work they produced and the client-agency relationship. They never failed or disappointed me, and they never lowered their writing quality standards or client servicing. I always recommend them to any marketing professional who would like to receive the best translation ever.